UncategorizedAtlanta leaders begin work to plug gaps left by hospital closureAtlanta leaders begin work to plug gaps left by hospital closure City and health officials are examining ways to bolster a safety net system that is already showing strain from Atlanta [...]
News, UncategorizedGHPC Unveils Interactive Tool to Examine Federal COVID-19 Relief Funds for Community UseGHPC Unveils Interactive Tool to Examine Federal COVID-19 Relief Funds for Community Use The Georgia Health Policy Center is proud to announce the free and publicly available Funding Resilience: Advancing Multisector Investments for [...]
UncategorizedOffice ClosureOffice Closure The Georgia Health Policy Center will be closed from December 20, 2021 – January 3, 2022. Wishing you all the [...]
News, UncategorizedNew Paper Highlights Need for Coordinated National Surveillance of Sickle Cell DiseaseNew Paper Highlights Need for Coordinated National Surveillance of Sickle Cell Disease A two-pronged data approach is necessary to improve care for people living with sickle cell disease, according to a review [...]
UncategorizedActive Community Voice an Effective Tool for Population Health Improvement, New Study ReportsActive Community Voice an Effective Tool for Population Health Improvement, New Study Reports
UncategorizedKeynote Speakers Announced for Cross-Sector Alignment: Built to LastKeynote Speakers Announced for Cross-Sector Alignment: Built to Last Aligning Systems for Health: Health Care + Public Health + Social Services is thrilled to announce three keynote speakers for [...]
UncategorizedDreamland: America’s Opioid Epidemic and How We Got HereDreamland: America’s Opioid Epidemic and How We Got Here As part of the Georgia Health Policy Center's yearlong 25th anniversary celebration, we invite you join us for the speaker [...]
UncategorizedZero to Three: Building Connections for Lifelong ImpactZero to Three: Building Connections for Lifelong Impact As part of the Georgia Health Policy Center's yearlong 25th anniversary celebration, we invite you join us for the next [...]
UncategorizedPersistent Income Inequality: How and Why It Affects HealthPersistent Income Inequality: How and Why It Affects Health As part of the Georgia Health Policy Center's yearlong 25th anniversary celebration, we invite you join us for the next [...]
UncategorizedAchieving Racial Health Equity: Tackling Structural & Historic Barriers with author Douglas BlackmonAchieving Racial Health Equity: Tackling Structural & Historic Barriers with author Douglas Blackmon As part of the Georgia Health Policy Center's yearlong 25th anniversary celebration, we invite you join us for the next [...]