Aging and Disability Resource Connection Three-Year Planning
Aging and Disability Resource Connection Three-Year Planning
Georgia’s Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) is a coordinated system of partnering organizations that are dedicated to providing comprehensive information about publicly and privately financed long-term supports and services (LTSS). As part of its visioning efforts, ADRC began expansion into a No Wrong Door (NWD) system that empowers older adults, individuals with disabilities, their families, and other consumers to make informed decisions about LTSS with easily accessible information from a variety of organizations.
The Georgia Department of Human Services Division of Aging Services (DAS) sought assistance from the Georgia Health Policy Center (GHPC) to gather data to inform a statewide three-year plan that encompasses the groundwork of the NWD system to create a single entry point for all populations and all payers to access LTSS resources. The planning phase of the three-year plan involved identifying current gaps, strengths, and barriers to ultimately inform development of solutions for an accessible, robust service delivery system that would employ a person-centered philosophy.
GHPC’s initial assessment included the collection of administrative data, as well as key informant interviews, an online survey, as well as four geographically diverse focus groups and meetings with organizational and professional representatives. GHPC worked in partnership with DAS and the Stakeholder Work Group to plan for each phase of the data collection and to analyze data. Identified current needs and priorities for the NWD statewide plan informed a process map that illustrates needed changes to the process when a consumer contacts the NWD. Using the information collected, the Stakeholder Work Group developed a three-year plan to implement delivery system changes to meet the needs of Georgians.