Aligning Systems for Health: Health Care + Public Health + Social Services
Aligning Systems for Health: Health Care + Public Health + Social Services
Aligning Systems for Health: Health Care + Public Health + Social Services
The Georgia Health Policy Center is the national coordinating center for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s national initiative Aligning Systems for Health: Health Care + Public Health + Social Services. The initiative focuses on learning about effective ways to align health care, public health, and social services to better address the goals and needs of the people and communities they serve.
Aligning Systems for Health strengthens the evidence base around conditions that foster alignment and translates these insights for communities, researchers, and decision makers to support on-the-ground efforts aimed at system alignment. The center
- Synthesizes existing research and disseminates findings
- Builds relationships with those already working in the field, including the development of a community of practice
- Supports original research and evaluation by awarding and administering a $3 million-grant portfolio
Additional Resources
- Allegheny County Health Department
- Atlanta Regional Collaborative for Health Improvement
- Communities That Care Coalition
- Community Caring Collaborative
- Denver Area Agency on Aging
- Gen-H
- HealthierHere
- Healthier Together an Initiative of Palm Health Foundation
- Healthy Homes Des Moines
- KCEOC Community Action Partnership
- Live Well San Diego
- Michigan Health Improvement Alliance
- Mississippi Delta Promise Communities through the Delta Health Alliance
- Northwest Ohio Pathways HUB
- NewYork-Presbyterian Accountable Health Community
- People’s Community Clinic
- Rocky Mountain Health Plans
- The Health Project
- Utah Asthma Home Visiting Program
- VAAACares
- Vita Health & Wellness District
- Western Idaho Community Health Collaborative
- Yamhill Community Care Organization
- Existing Measures: Anticipating a Cross-Sector Alignment Measurement System
- A Selection of Health-Oriented Collaboration Measurement Frameworks: Elements for Consideration in a Cross-Sector Alignment Measurement System
Below are a series of briefs on measuring the process and outcomes of aligning. These briefs are based on a review of the literature and serve as a preliminary bridge between aligning research and practice. These briefs were developed as part of early efforts to develop a comprehensive measurement system that will help strengthen aligning across sectors and the ability to measure how these on-the-ground efforts are developing and meeting the goals and needs of communities.
We value your input as we work toward building a comprehensive measurement system. As you read these briefs, if you have thoughts, ideas, or experiences on measuring the components of aligning that you would be willing to share with the team, please email us at [email protected].
Community Goals and Needs
Community Voice
Racial and Health Equity
- Cross-Sector Alignment and the Response to COVID-19: What Can We Learn from Research on Cross-Sector Alignment?
- Cross-Sector Alignment and the Response to COVID-19: How Alignment Can Aid the COVID-19 Response
- Community Member Experiences with Collaboratives: Preliminary Findings
- Equity from a Cross-Sector Alignment Perspective: Findings from a Literature Review
- Equity, Health Equity, and Racial Equity in the Framework for Aligning Sectors
- Existing Measures: Anticipating a Cross-Sector Alignment Measurement System
- A Selection of Health-Oriented Collaboration Measurement Frameworks: Elements for Consideration in a Cross-Sector Alignment Measurement System
- The Process of Partnering with Community Members: Preliminary Findings
Journal Articles
- Fitchtenberg, C., Delva, J., Minyard, K., Gottlieb, L. (2020). Human and human services integration: Generating sustained health and equity improvements. Health Affairs, 39(4). View.
- Landers, G.M., Minyard, K.J., Lanford, D., & Heishman, H. (2020). A theory of change for aligning health care, public health, and social services in the time of COVID-19. Am J Public Health, 110(S2): S178-S180. View.
- Landford, D., Petiwala, A., Landers, G., Minyard, K. (2021). Aligning healthcare, public health and social services: A scoping review of the role of purpose, governance, finance and data. Health and Social Care in the Community. View.
- Petiwala, A., Lanford, D., Landers, G., Minyard, K. (2021). Community voice in cross-sector alignment: Concepts and strategies from a scoping review of the health collaboration literature. BMC Public Health, 21(712). View.
Rapid-Cycle Research
- Akron Children’s Hospital/Kent State University
- Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers
- Care Share Health Alliance
- Center for Health Progress and Pueblo Triple Aim Corp.
- Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago
- Communities Joined in Action
- Industrial Areas Foundation Northwest
- JSI Research and Training Institute
- Kent State University/Akron Children’s Hospital
- Public Health Solutions
- The Population Health Innovation Lab at the Public Health Institute
- University of California Berkeley School of Public Health
- Urban Institute
GHPC awarded $2.4 million in research awards to these seven grantees.
Akron Children’s Hospital/Kent State University
Camden Coalition
Care Share Health Alliance and Healthier Highland
Center for Health Progress
Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago
Communities Join in Action
Industrial Areas Research Foundation Northwest
Kent State University
Population Health Innovation Lab
Public Health Solutions
Texas Health Institute
Trenton Health Institute
University of California, Berkeley
University of Louisville
University of South Carolina
University of Washington
Urban Institute
West Side United
- Welcome to (April 2020)
- Aligning Systems for Health (April 2020)
- Emerging Research: Aligning Systems for Health (November 2020)
- A Framework for Aligning Health (November 2020)
Cross-Sector Alignment: Built to Last virtual series recordings
- Meet Aligning Systems for Health (April, 2020)
- Why Cross-Sector Alignment Matters: Real Life Matters (April 2020)
- Pixels: Learning from Each Other (May 2020)
- Theory of Change Charette
Building Learning Around Cross-Sector Alignment