Atlanta Regional Collaborative for Health Improvement
Atlanta Regional Collaborative for Health Improvement
The Atlanta Regional Collaborative for Health Improvement (ARCHI) is an interdisciplinary, coalition working to transform the region’s health through a collaborative approach to community health assessments and improvement strategies. The collaborative envisions an environment where interests, incentives, and investments are aligned to generate and sustain a healthy population and a vibrant economy for all.
ARCHI utilizes a distributed approach to advancing its agenda, where members are encouraged, supported, and recognized for aligning decisions and activities with ARCHI’s identified priorities within their spheres of influence. ARCHI’s priorities were determined through the use of the ReThink Health system dynamics model, which identified encouraging healthy behaviors, increasing pathways to advantage for families and students, increasing care coordination, and expanding health insurance coverage. ARCHI plans to finance initiatives targeting these priorities through global payment, capture and reinvest, expanded insurance coverage, and an innovation fund as key to improving health in the region. These priorities were combined by members into what they called the Atlanta Transformation scenario.
The Georgia Health Policy Center (GHPC) was one of the initial conveners in 2012 of what would become ARCHI. Representatives from the Atlanta Regional Commission, the United Way, and GHPC initially met to discuss how community benefit efforts and collective impact could be used to address the region’s health disparities. The three organizations continue serve on the executive leadership team, which provides strategic direction for the collaborative as well as ongoing organizational and backbone support. GHPC works with the other executive leadership members and the ARCHI steering committee to nurture regional and community-level alignment with ARCHI’s priorities. GHPC aids in articulating and promoting ARCHI’s vision, community-level alignment, project management, community benefit assessments, as well as designing meetings and convening stakeholders meetings.
News & Publications
- “Working Differently To Achieve Better Results” by Kathryn Lawler
- “What Does It Take For All Atlantans To Be Healthy?” by Kathryn Lawler
- “A Healthy Atlanta Is A Competitive Atlanta” by Kathryn Lawler
- 2017 ARCHI Year-in-Review
- 2016 ARCHI Year-in-Review
- 2013 ARCHI Report
- The Healthcare Blog
- The Journal of the American Medical Association
- Stanford Social Innovation Review