Bridging for Health
Bridging for Health
The Georgia Health Policy Center (GHPC) is the national coordinating center for Bridging for Health: Improving Community Health Through Innovations in Financing, sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
Bridging for Health is fostering connections among multisector stakeholders to rebalance and align investments in health. To accomplish this, Bridging for Health focuses on innovations in three areas: financing; collaboration and collective impact; and health equity.
The Georgia Health Policy Center is proud to announce the launch of its newest book, Bridging for Health: improving Community Health Through Innovations in Financing. The big news is that all seven sites pursued a pooled community wellness fund to address primary prevention of chronic conditions or an upstream driver of health.
The Georgia Health Policy Center released a video showcasing the process of community innovation and about local wellness funds.
GHPC supports and facilitates selected sites in developing, evaluating, and sharing their efforts to initiate innovations in financing to fund initiatives targeting upstream drivers of health that will ultimately improve population health outcomes. As the national coordinating center, GHPC will assist selected sites with technical assistance, evaluation support, providing resources for convenings, core functions, or special projects, and facilitate opportunities for peer learning. By bridging connections between multisector stakeholders — including health care providers, public health, social services, business, schools, and housing agencies — Bridging for Health aims to:
- Align resources and community efforts through the collective impact framework to achieve meaningful and sustainable health improvement.
- Promote stewardship toward enhanced planning and management of health-related resources.
- Use a Health in All Policies approach to recognize and target factors outside of the traditional health care delivery system that significantly influence health attainment.
The Bridging for Health Advisory Panel supports efforts to improve population health by rebalancing and aligning investments while fostering linkages among health care, public health and other sectors.
Our technical assistance is centered around helping communities develop a strategic approach to program implementation, building capacity utilizing technical and adaptive approaches, and focusing on long-term sustainability.