Development of a Complementary Feeding Recipe Book
Development of a Complementary Feeding Recipe Book
The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), through a partnership with United Nations Children’s Fund’s Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office and the Kenyan Ministry of Health, conducted an analysis of critical foods insufficiently consumed by children in Kenya. In support of this work, GAIN contracted GHPC to conduct research and develop a recipe book that promotes safe and nutritious infant and young child feeding.
GHPC worked with partners in Kenya and the United States to create a culturally informed recipe book for children 6 to 23 months that uses locally available and affordable ingredients that represent Kenya’s diverse food culture. GHPC and its partners developed a novel approach to designing the recipe book that combined existing evidence and primary research with behavior change theories and visual communication best practices to foster acceptance, efficacy, and adoption of optimal complementary feeding practices among Kenyan caregivers.