Equipping the Public Health Workforce to Prepare for Change
Equipping the Public Health Workforce to Prepare for Change
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) Public Health Policy and Strategy Innovation Hub provides training to help prepare public health practitioners to meet the challenges of the 21st century (Public Health 3.0). The Public Health 3.0 framework identifies five essential capacities: strong leadership and workforce; flexible and sustained funding; timely and locally relevant data, metrics, and analytics; the ability to participate in multisectoral partnerships that foster alignment and equity across communities; and the foundational infrastructure to help support these capacities.
The Georgia Health Policy Center (GHPC), in partnership with the National Network of Public Health Institutes, is supporting the pilot the CDC’s Public Health Policy and Strategy Innovation Hub. GHPC assisted in the design of the program, the request for applicants and subsequent selection of participants, and is serving as faculty and a co-convener of four training modules and supporting direct training or technical assistance for selected tribal, local and territory public health practitioners. Specifically, GHPC is leading skills development efforts around the ability of public health practitioners to participate in multisector efforts focused on health equity and up-stream interventions, community voice, translating data into action, systems thinking, leadership in our “new norm” of hyper uncertainty, and developing flexible and more diverse funding streams to sustain innovative efforts