Georgia Shape
Georgia Shape
Georgia Shape, former Gov. Nathan Deal’s childhood obesity initiative, was initiated in 2012 to address the poor health status of Georgia’s kids and adolescents, who rank 17th in the nation for childhood obesity. Small grants to 257 public schools totaling more than $1.1 million have impacted physical activity and nutrition behaviors and environments at schools throughout Georgia.
Georgia Shape works to implement health-promoting strategies, such as daily recess, improved nutrition knowledge, school gardens, and more opportunities for moderate to vigorous physical activity. This is achieved through coordinated efforts and partnerships with state government agencies, the business community, philanthropic organizations, health care providers, and academic organizations, including Georgia State University.
Over 11 rounds of funding the Georgia Health Policy Center (GHPC) provided technical assistance to 257 Georgia Shape grantees (awards totaling $1.1 million) impacting 188,450 students. Ultimately, GHPC works to ensure the collective technical assistance services provided will guide each grantee to institute effective and sustainable physical activity and nutrition policy, systems, and environmental changes that are desirable for students, staff, administrators, parents, and community partners.
The technical assistance process for Shape grantees includes four primary components: initial intake assessment, a two-day School Health Summit for all grantees to plan action, individualized technical assistance based on initial assessment results and summit planning, and peer learning to enhance sustainability.