Atlanta Beltline
Atlanta Beltline
The Atlanta BeltLine is a comprehensive transportation and economic redevelopment project along a historic 22-mile railroad corridor circling downtown Atlanta. It will ultimately connect 45 intown neighborhoods, providing 22 miles of pedestrian friendly rail transit; 33 miles of multi-use trails; 1,300 acres of greenspace; 5,600 affordable housing units; more than $10 billion of economic development; permanent jobs; and 1,100 acres of brownfields remediation.
The Atlanta BeltLine Partnership, is a nonprofit that enables the BeltLine vision through raising capital, growing civic support, and building positive socio-economic outcomes for adjoining neighborhoods. The Atlanta BeltLine Partnership launched a community health improvement initiative for 10 neighborhoods in the Westside Trail corridor. The effort, which is co-facilitated by the Georgia Health Policy Center (GHPC), recruits, convenes, and aligns community leaders (including neighborhood representatives, community organizations, and civic leaders) to address longstanding challenges and empower residents to better connect to the opportunity afforded by the BeltLine. The initiative, through competitive grant funding and awards specifically aims to address the health of those living in these neighborhoods, as well as drivers of health, including economic and workforce development; affordable housing; and community-building.
Atlanta BeltLine Partnership provides backbone support for the broader collective impact initiative focused on community and economic development around the BeltLine. GHPC provides meeting design and facilitation services for the Atlanta Beltline Partnership. Specifically, GHPC aids with convening stakeholders, collecting neighborhood-level data, inventorying community assets, and facilitating productive work sessions. Over the long term GHPC ’s services will aid in achieving the goal of aligning partners and resources to address identified challenges and developing goals and monitoring metrics to track progress.